Getting Your Kitchen Organised in Time For Pancake Day
Fed up of the mess in your kitchen and pantry? Or have no idea what foods you have in, so just keep buying more? Coming up to Pancake Day is the perfect time to de-clutter your kitchen, and get in the tasty ingredients you need to make fabulous pancakes.
Labelled containers
Store your dry food, such as sugar, flour and rice in clear containers with labels. Chalkboard labels are a great and versatile way so you can always change your mind! Having a range of containers in different sizes gives you flexibility but if all are the same, you can fit more on the shelf and it looks great. Have your flour, sugar and eggs in easy reach for your delicious pancakes! Hang storage baskets or racks beneath shelves in your cupboards to give you that needed extra bit of space! You can also use this technique to hang mugs beneath the higher cupboards in your kitchen.
Clear off all your clutter from your worktops to make space for some fabulous pancakes!!Having the majority of your cutlery and utensils hidden away in drawers and cupboards frees your worktops for lots of messy fun with the kids. This also applies for the items you have in: it’s time to purge and de-clutter! Check if everything is still in date, you might be surprised how long some of those cans have been lurking in your cupboard.
Now for the fun bit! Once your kitchen is organised, you’ll be ready to start making! Let us know if you have any great pancake recipes, whether it’s traditional lemon and sugar, or healthy spinach pancakes!

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